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Ap Lei Chau | South Horizons

鴨脷洲 | 海怡半島

Private Housing 私人屋苑 | 612 sq.ft.

This unit has a diamond-shaped living room, visually expanded by a triangular storage space behind the TV wall. The decor, an understated luxury with a rock slab TV backdrop, incorporates various shades of blue along with light colors, adding depth and layering.

單位是典型的鑽石型客廳,通過在電視墻後方衍生出一個三角形儲物空間的方式,幫助業主把客廳從視覺上達到拉直的效果。 裝修風格以輕奢為主,電視背景墻采用了簡約大氣的岩板。由於屋主喜歡藍色,因此在裝修中除了簡約的淺色,還使用了不同的藍色來營造層次感。

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